Take it outside with this ultimate entertaining package!

Deals as hot as this one only come around weekly once in the bluest of moons - everything you need (aside from a bbq obviously*) to have the greatest outdoor entertaining experience ever.

*Well a firepit probably wouldn't go astray either.
Oh and a stripper pole.
But hey, the rest of this gear is pretty amazing!
So what's part of this incredible package?

Lets start with that seductive looking blue couch. You could sit on it...but after a few shandys over some entertaining hours, you can lie on it! And it's big enough for you and another half person to do the same too! Ooh la la!

Uncle Doug had too much home brew? Throw him down onto that stupidly hard to escape from purple beanbag! There's a fair chance he'll be so relaxed you can confiscate the keys to his Volvo Wagon and those home made fireworks he insists on lighting every time he comes around for a chinwag.

'But the backyard is more flooded than Noah's bathroom!' I hear you moan. No problem, just throw down that massive length of mud sucking shag carpet and your barefoot cavemenesque guests of yours can have dry toes for at least an hour!

Finally you're going to need a magnificent display table for all your potato salad, curried eggs, century eggs, steamed clams and spotted dick. So lay it and display it on a table that tells everyone within earshot that you've been shopping at nowhere else than Frank Frisky Furniture and you have taste. And a bit of coin.
But mostly taste.

Better hurry though, this is BBQ season so grab it all now for $2130
