Boardroom Takeover set!

Talk about a once in a blue moon deal - everything you need to play Boardroom Baron (minus the table and a mountain of crack in the middle of it) in the comfort of your own home!

Like my father Federick Frisky once said 'Son, sit the ###k down!'

And just look at the 3 respective styles that make up part of this package allowing you to do just that!

From left to right:

The big balls chair - Do you have a set of nuts on you the size of grapefruits to lead this company into the latest century? You do? Then you've earned the right to park your powerful bottom right here in the comfiest boardroom recliner your unethically gained coin can buy. Sit back and bark orders while grinning madly while your share price plummets and the rest of the board looks on in abject terror.

The note taker - If you sit here, you keep your mouth shut. Nod when asked, agree with every idiot decision that comes out of the bosses mouth but for the love of your career, don't say a word. You've got to park your ass somewhere before you start to climb that corporate ladder!

The 'I used to sit in the smaller chair' chair  - You kept your mouth shut and nodded when needed. You never disagreed and you were strangely absent for a month when the ethics committee wanted to pop around for a little chat with you about 'management.' You pretended there was absolutely nothing going on between the big boss and the secretary. Nothing.
You've earned this chair and you'll stab any note taker who thinks they'll sweep it out from under you one day...

A sizzling deal at just $800 for all three! (Or buy them as singles for $800 each)
