Heat up your next shindig with this bodacious bbq!

Sellabrate a sizzling summer with this scintillating super six (minus two) burner super snag sizzler salad server spectacular - one of a kind bbq!

Yes it's summer which means now is the time to crowbar your brontosaurus like gut into your finest shorts, whip on an apron with some cartoon fake boobs (or our fav: Kiss the Chef) and get ready to serve up an absolute grilling to friends and family with this incredible BBQ.

Just pause for a sec to take in its magnificence!

You can practically smell the history from this thing too can't you?
All those wonderfully charred to perfection:

-Cheese sticks
-Radscorpion steaks
-Gekko legs
-Fish cakes
-Vegetable lumps

-Ice cubes
-Corn cobs
-Palm fronds
-Crayfish quarters
-Squirrel forelegs
-Fish heads
-Chicken wings
-Bat wings

-Chicken skulls
-Bronco rumps
-Goat noses
-Eel fillets
-Dog pellets

Ah so many memories! And yes it does come with that innovative cover you see above that doubles as a truly terrible superhero cape!

(No gas though. The less said about what Burpo the work experience kid was doing with that half filled lpg canister the better...)

Buy now before your butcher runs short on Yak Sirloin!

$500 and not a dime less!
