'Git off mah lawn!' Ammunition kit


Some offers are just too good to pass up - like when Big Red the truck driver offered to pay for his latest back room swing set with these 6 boxes of absolute beauties.

'Just looks like sticks to me. What's for lunch?' Burpo the work experience kid grunted when I dragged them towards the front of the store to put on display.

Well of course they do to those who can't recognize quality woodturning if it was thrown at them while trespassing on someone's lawn. But to the furniture specialist such as I, I couldn't say no to such a bountiful offer of anti-lawn trespassing missiles. 

Mowed your lawn and all of a sudden those damn neighborhood kids are crawling over it like a hyperactive kid on cake? Well no longer will you have to get out of your porch swing (or put your pipe down), just reach into your box of A-L-T-M's, grab one of these babies and hurl with mad abandon. A couple of these lobbed their way and they'll think twice the next time they hear you start up the lawnmower on a Sunday.

Each is shaped for ultimate throwability, spin and skin gouging on contact.

Also works well to dissuade approaching door to door salesmen, the milkman coming around to give more than greetings to your partner, gas retailers and cousins with their hand out for money. 

Don't delay, get those kids off your precious lawn today! 6 boxes left, $50 each and you'll have missiles for days! Don't miss out!
