It's all about the beans baby!


And how many of those bodacious beans do you reckon are swimming around in this quality imitation leather sack of wonder? Probably quite a lot. 

(In fact the next time Burpo the work experience kid nags me about not paying him much (or at all) I'm going to make him count them by hand! That will teach him!)

That is of course unless you come in and snag this 'just broken in' bargain of a lifetime before the counting happens, a place for your bum that soothes the days stress away as you chug down your fifth home made Mai Thai of the evening and wonder why you're still single after showing off your Pokemons on Bumble. (Seriously Burpo, I wish you wouldn't write stuff like that here, I have no idea what you're talking about! - Frank)

Yes it gives a satisfying 'WHOOOOOSH' as your rear end sinks into it. Yes there's a chance of hip dislocation trying to get out of it. Yes for a stonkering low price of just $200, you can include it in your sex dungeon. Be quick though, Burpo is really starting to irritate me this week..
